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FOR MARYLAND’S HONOR - by Lloyd T. Everett


Reprint of a rare and very desirable 1922 edition by Christopher Publishing Co., Boston

New to this reprint:  Photograph of 1st Maryland Infantry Regimental Colors (“Bucktail Flag”) presented by the Ladies of Baltimore (Maryland State Archives Special Collection). 


Although For Maryland’s Honor is a novel, the scholarly research and attention to detail is evident throughout the book.  Included are details about Lt. Col. Bradley T. Johnson and his wife, known affectionately by the soldiers as Mrs. Capt. Bradley, who together were successful in recruiting and equipping Marylanders into Confederate  service under the Maryland banner.  This historical novel is a must read for those who seek to feel what it meant to be a citizen of Maryland during the Civil War. 


Starting with the political fervor surrounding Maryland in October 1850, it carries the reader through the Baltimore riots and most of the Civil War.  In For Maryland’s Honor, the woman’s perspective of the “War for Southern Independence” on the home front is eloquently portrayed by the feisty Miss Marion Palmer who provides both the love interest and conflict…as her loyalty is to the North. 


The author was the son of a Maryland Confederate veteran and well-known lecturer and writer on Confederate history.  Mr. Everett also co-edited the re-publication of R.G. Horton’s, A Youth’s History of the Civil War.


Hardback – Copyright 2001 – 229 pages – Illustrated


ISBN: 0-9703802-1-6 – Price: $25.00


Excluding Sales Tax
  • Book Review

    For Maryland’s Honor is not primarily a story of campaign and battle, but rather an account of one family’s Maryland Confederate Heritage, it is also very much a romance.  The strength of Everett’s beliefs and his veneration for Marylanders who espoused the Confederate cause make For Maryland’s Honor an interesting contribution to the literature of the Lost cause.”


    …Brian Pohanka, military historian,  author, lecturer Historical and military advisor to feature films Gettysburg and Glory; Senior Researcher, Writer/advisor on all Time-Life Civil War books; Consultant for the A & E History Channel television documentary Civil War Journal

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